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  • mendingletters 4:36 PM on October 23, 2009 Permalink | Reply  

    Happy Halloween! 

    Happy Halloween from Paperclips & Power Trips! As you can see, I’ve whipped up a new Halloween header for the occasion. Also, I know my posting has been dreadfully sparse as of late, but I’ve been super busy outlining my NaNoWriMo novel. A few posts back, I told you all about this great and crazy month…and it’s starting in a week! GAH!

    Meanwhile, I’ve set up my author page on the NaNo site:

    I’ve decided to call my story The Twelfth King. I’m currently working on fine-tuning my plot synopsis, and should have it up by this evening. When I finish it, I’ll post it on the “Novel Info” tab on my author page, so check back later today.

  • mendingletters 12:36 PM on October 10, 2009 Permalink | Reply  

    October is Breast Cancer Awareness Month 

    As you can see, I’ve created a new header in recognition of Breast Cancer Awareness Month. I’d like to encourage all the women (and yes, men can get breast cancer, too) out there to perform regular self-examinations and to get regular mammograms.

    Also, if you’re like me (a poor college student or otherwise financially strapped), and you feel bad that your budget doesn’t allow you to donate to charities, charity search engines are a great solution.


    For example, this site is a regular search ol’ engine that works just like Google, Yahoo!, and Ask. The only difference is that this particular site donates half of its ad revenue to the charity of your choice. The link above directs to the page for a breast cancer charity, but there are tons of other charities for you to choose from.

    Here are some other charity search engines: – This site donates all its ad revenue (they’re paid per 1,000 views of their page) to cancer research. Givoogle actually uses the Google search engine, too. – GoodSearch donates a penny to the charity of your choice every time you use their search engine.

  • mendingletters 3:48 PM on October 4, 2009 Permalink | Reply  

    NaNoWriMo 2009 – Let the insanity begin 

    (Blog refurbishing is complete. New header, new layout, same great taste!)

    Well…I’ve taken the plunge. I’ve joined NaNoWriMo. What’s NaNoWriMo? Basically, it stands for National Novel Writing Month. Every November, a select few completely insane authors try to do the seemingly-impossible: write a 50,000-word novel in the month of November. Let me just say…*eep.* As a first time NaNo-er, this task seems incredibly daunting.  But I’m also incredibly excited. I’m not aspiring to be a super-serious author, but I do love to write…however, I’ve never written a 50,000-word novel, let alone in one month. My annoying inner editor always seems to get in the way of me finishing any of my story pursuits, so I figured this would be a great outlet for me to finally finish a story. I’m telling you about this now because I can already feel the NaNo insanity setting in. Even though NaNo doesn’t start for 27 more days, I’m still thinking, “Oh, my God, why am I blogging when I could be doing some character sketching and outlining?!”

    Needless to say, my blog posts may be few and far between next month. That’s not to say I’ll be abandoning Paperclips & Power Trips completely. I mean, I have to write 1,667 words per day for 30 days to reach 50,000 by November 30th. I’m sure I’ll need a break from my YA fantasy novel for once and awhile, right? Expect to seem some absent-minded and typo-riddled posts in random intervals, with subject lines such as “My soul and livelihood have died!” Or, perhaps, if I’m uber-lucky, “Golly, this story actually has value as something other than lining for my birdcage!”

    By the way, I have a basic synopsis of my NaNo novel, which I’ll be posting here soon for y’all (hello, random Southern-ness?) to read and review, too.

    Meanwhile, if you’re completely insane like us and think NaNoWrioMo sounds fun, we always need new recruits. The website is It’s been officially opened for October, so you’re free to sign up, check out the boards, and get some tips until November rolls around. See you there!

  • mendingletters 9:02 PM on September 26, 2009 Permalink | Reply
    Tags: g20, protest, summit   

    A Few G20 Updates 

    I think I may have posted too soon last night. I learned this morning that there was a massive, rowdy protest downtown that ended in 110 additional arrests (bring the total to 191, if I’m not mistaken), and a police officer sustained a minor shoulder injury. Now, I’m not going to waste time expressing how annoyed this makes me. Instead, I’m going to remain thankful that there were no major injuries, deaths, or any type of attempted terrorism.

    This is the last G20 post, I promise! I’ll make sure to include some different types of entries in the upcoming days. A bientôt, mes amis.

  • mendingletters 12:28 AM on September 26, 2009 Permalink | Reply  

    Pittsburgh’s G20 Summit: Day 2 

    As I write this, the much-anticipated and much-feared G20 Summit has come to a close. Well, I guess we can all consider it a relative success, protesting-wise, because no has died or been seriously injured. Let’s get a quick Day 2 recap:

    There was no violence today. None. There was one arrest only, compared to eighty yesterday. It was actually very shocking, in a good way. There was a huge march and demonstration, but it was totally peaceful, and…dare I say…even a little inspiring? It was almost like something out of the sixties, with all the peace and anti-war protests. This is what it should’ve–what it could’ve–been in the first place. Don’t these people realize that others are more likely to take them seriously if they don’t do immature things like destroy property? Personally, I’d be more likely to listen to peaceful protesters than to a bunch of self-righteous twentysomething kids flinging around their own shit. Just sayin’.

    An image of todays protesters with a peace dove

    An image of today's protesters with a peace dove

    Damn…I thought I’d have a lot more to write about for today, but that’s pretty much all that happened. I’d like to say good-bye to the Obamas and to all the other world leaders. Hope you enjoyed our city. Oh, yeah, and please make sure to tell the rest of the world that no, we are not some filthy, dusty, smoggy, soot-covered cesspool. The steel mills have been closed for awhile. I’m pretty sure all the soot has settled.

    Here’s a new poll, everyone. Yesterday’s poll remains open for voting, so please check out that one, too. This new poll is for Pittsburghers and/or people directly affected by the Summit only!

  • mendingletters 8:36 PM on September 24, 2009 Permalink | Reply  

    Pittsburgh’s G20 Summit: Day 1 

    And thus it begins, the G20 Summit in Pittsburgh. I thought that it was only proper that I blog about the two separate G20 days, since my first blog on the topic was my most popular entry to date.

    As expected, there were (still are, actually) protests. Yesterday, Greenpeace made a big show of hanging a gargantuan banner off a bridge, along with some of their members rappelling off the side with it. Yesterday was oddly uneventful in terms of protests, so most thought today would be, too. It wasn’t. Off the top of my head, here’s a list of the damage done today by protesters in Pittsburgh:

    • Fidelity Bank, Taco Bell, Boston Market, BMW dealership, police cruiser, PNC Bank – windows smashed (the PNC Bank had its ATMs destroyed, too)
    • A protester grabbed a police officer around the neck, forcing the cops to use rubber bullets
    • A half-dozen or so dumpsters were rolled or turned over
    • Rocks, bricks, bottles, and feces (yes, I said feces) were thrown at cops
    • About six people have been arrested so far, I believe

    It was frankly kind of ridiculous. I know these people have their right to an opinion, but is it really right to vandalize a city that’s just spent months cleaning and sprucing up to get ready for this Summit in the first place? I’d like to refer you to this site: http://www.don’, which says it better than I ever could: despite it hosting the Summit, this city is still our home. These “anarchists” don’t seem to realize that, after they leave, we have to go on living here, and we have to clean up the mess they made. A massive group of protesters are currently in Oakland, and if you’re not familiar with Pittsburgh geography, they’re pretty near to Phipps Conservatory, which is where all the heads of state are currently meeting. I’m not too worried for the world leaders’ safety, because they’re amply protected. But still…it makes you feel iffy. And we’ve still got the entirety of tomorrow to get through, too.

    Damage done by protesters to a window in a local Boston Market

    Damage done by protesters to a restaurant's window

    A little note to the violent protesters: Today wasn’t as bad as it could’ve been. Still, there were a lot of tactics employed (see above) that were very disrespectful. I’d like to ask that you try to keep it sane and keep it peaceful for the duration of the Summit. I’m sure this is going to fall on deaf ears, but I know I’m not alone in this request.

    Oh, and, just to be clear, I’m not against peaceful protests. I applaud the groups (the Tibetan monks come to mind) that are protesting peacefully, have gotten a permit, and are not disturbing the citizens. I think I can speak for most Pittsburghers when I say that we’re very grateful for the respect you’re showing.

    On another positive note, this G20 Summit isn’t all bad. In fact, I’m sort of geekily excited that all these important people are meeting and discussing world issues 20 minutes from where I’m currently sitting and typing this. I’m glad it hasn’t gotten too out of hand yet. We shall see what tomorrow and the rest of tonight brings. Stay tuned for Day 2 tomorrow.

    P.S. Check out the poll below and let me know your opinions on this.

  • mendingletters 10:56 PM on September 21, 2009 Permalink | Reply
    Tags: 3.5, bug, chrome, firefox, low memory,   

    Firefox, you have let me down 

    Well, for the first time in my three years of religious use, Firefox has disappointed me. And not just “oh, damn, this add-on isn’t supported with this version!” disappointment. I’m talking true and utter failure…to the point where I’ve had to stop using it for now. You see, I recently updated to Firefox’s new 3.5 version. I was actually quite excited to see what new tricks Mozilla pulled out. But something, I suppose, went horribly awry. Now every time I log on to Google pages, Yahoo pages, Facebook, or most graphic-intensive sites, I get a “a script on this page has been stopped due to a low memory condition” warning. Then, all hell breaks loose. Firefox’s interface begins…I guess, sort of…deleting itself? My back, forward, refresh, home, and bookmark buttons disappear, the default theme background turns white, pages refuse to load, images are always full of “errors,” and it inevitably ends in Firefox freezing to uselessness or crashing.

    Let me explain that I always have ample memory, and this is not occurring with any other applications, nor did it occur with my older Firefox version.

    This happens often enough to hinder my browsing experience. I have found out that this defect is actually a bug for XP users like me, and I’m definitely not the  only user experiencing it. A quick Google search consisting of ‘firefox,’ ‘low memory,’ and ‘3.5’ will yield thousands of results from disappointed XP Firefox users wondering what’s happening. I have also found that Mozilla is aware of this bug and promises to have it fixed in another update. Well, versions 3.5.1 and 3.5.2 came and went, and I’m still suffering with the bug. So it was today that I decided to retire Firefox for the time being. I am going to be using Google Chrome until Mozilla releases an update that efficiently repairs this bug. Don’t get me wrong, Chrome is a great little browser, but I’m sort of a purist when it comes to my browser. I have Firefox customized to exactly my needs and wants, and I don’t take fondly to change.
    This is me poking Mozilla. You have made a loyal user switch to a backup browser because your update was too unstable on XP. Until you patch it, you have lost a user.
    …Er, I realize no one really gives a shit about my personal problems with Firefox. More epic topics to come, I promise. But in the meantime, does anyone know of how to possibly improve this bug?
  • mendingletters 11:18 PM on September 6, 2009 Permalink | Reply  


    I’m attempting to customize this blog, so I apologize for anything that may look ugly or askew over the next day. Thanks!

  • mendingletters 2:19 PM on September 6, 2009 Permalink | Reply  

    Hello my name is Rachel and I’m megalophobic… 

    Hello, my name is Rachel, and I’m megalophobic. I have a mild-ish case of this phobia, which is defined as a fear of large objects. Most sufferers of megalophobia are afraid of ships, planes, and statues, things that can move or look like they “should” move (so no buildings, usually). I don’t share the fear of ships and planes, I’m only afraid of large lifelike things–statues of people and animals (my fear also extends to full-body taxidermy animals). My case is not so severe. I can look at these things without crying, screaming, or running away, they just make me very, very uncomfortable and I feel jumpy and nervous in their presence. I’m also okay with looking at their pictures online. The largest statue I think I could feel comfortable around is Michelangelo’s David, which is around 17 ft tall, with the pedestal. To give you a better idea about megalophobia, here are some things that trigger this fear:

    Things that have triggered my megalophobia:

    • Lincoln Memorial, Washington D.C.
    • Jefferson Monument,  Washington D.C.
    • Any taxidermy animal that’s bigger than a deer (especially full-body elephants, giraffes, polar bears, gorillas, buffalo, elk, whales, rhinos, etc.)
    • Dinosaur fossils, especially tyrannosauruses, triceratops, stegosauruses, and pterodactyls, if they’re suspended on the ceiling over my head
    • A large statue of the Egyptian god Horus in Pittsburgh’s Carnegie Museum.
    • Any oversized flags with peoples’ faces on them.

    Things that I haven’t seen personally, but know would trigger my megalophobia:

    • Mt. Rushmore, South Dakota
    • Statue of Liberty
    • Yet-to-completed Crazy Horse Monument, South Dakota
    • Wat Pho Reclining Buddha
    • Mother Russia
    • Rio de Janeiro’s Christ the Redeemer
    • Amida Buddha
    • Spirit of Houston (if they ever build it)
    • Yan Huang Statues
    • Sphinx

    Things that are common fears for sufferers of megalophobia, but do not scare me:

    • Planes/Helicopters
    • Trains
    • Large ships
    • Wind turbines
    • Huge trees
    • Blimps
    • Oversized kites
    • Monster trucks or any other large hauling trucks
    • Any structures not normally shaped (i.e., Disney’s Epcot globe)
    • Any structures that are made to look like oversized “normal” objects (like the “shoe” house, the store that looks like a giant guitar, etc.)
    • Overhangs
    • Large expanses of water or earth
    • Large murals
    • Big animals (I’m only afraid of “big” animals if they’re taxidermied. If they’re alive or just plain ol’ dead, I’m fine with them)
    • Cathedrals or any other building with abnormally high ceilings

    I hate my megalophobia. I think it’s a pointless phobia, and kind of embarrassing, too. Believe me, I would “get over it” if I could. I’ve been trying some self-administered “exposure” therapy, and so far, I think I’ve been getting a little bit better…I’m at least not going to cry if I see a big statue.

    This is a very “out-there” kind of phobia, and I’ve never met anyone with it. If you’re a sufferer, please please please comment/contact me. I’m really interested in hearing about other megalophobics’ experiences.

    UPDATE 8/12/2011: It’s great to see everyone’s responses to this post…it definitely is a comforting feeling to know you’re not alone with this fear! Thank you all for commenting on this, and I hope you’re all doing well with your particular phobia. Keep the comments coming so we can hopefully get the word out to more megalophobics that they’re not alone. (Also, I can’t believe I didn’t notice the typo in the title! Duh! Thanks for pointing it out, guys.)

    More info on megalophobia:

    • Hannah 9:27 PM on September 27, 2009 Permalink | Reply

      How refreshing to find that I’m not alone in this fear. I have to close my eyes whenever I walk through Buddhist temple gates (especially Todaiji in Nara Japan. Don’t google it unless you’re feeling especially masochistic). My heart went cold when I just looked at that picture of Mother Russia and Yan Huang. I didn’t know of those creepy statues.

      • milady 5:13 PM on May 16, 2013 Permalink | Reply

        It feels good to know that I’m not the only one with this weird phobia, which I’ve been suffering from years, I didn’t know what it was called until now!. I just look it up (mother russia statue) and I think I would’ve have a heart attack if I would’ve been there! every time I see monuments or buildings, etc like that, I just get chills all over my spine, cold sweats, I even get dizzy, my heart starts beating really fast, and my legs get numbs. I went to the Smithsonian museum (airplane and airspace) and I couldn’t even look up or walk through because I was petrified.

      • La Donna 9:10 PM on August 18, 2013 Permalink | Reply

        I have this fear also, and i’m trying to find out all the info I can about it, and i’m glad i’m not the only one. my fear is of tall ships, wind turbines, and whales, and when you look out at the ocean and see nothing but water and sky. my problem is i go into a panic attack and i start sweating, i cry, i shake my heart beats really fast then i have shortness of breath, i have to close my eyes and rub my hands through my hair just to try to calm myself down. If there is anybody out there that could email and that could help me with this as i’m just searching for this information because i have had no clue that there was even a name to this fear. thanks for all your help and advice.

    • Christine 10:34 PM on October 28, 2009 Permalink | Reply

      I am also really scared of massive statues (Mother Russia especially!) but also strangely fascinated by them. I’m also scared of monoliths, like the Devils Tower for example. I can look at them if I Google them but my heart beats really fast. When I first came onto this page the statue of liberty pic frightened me! I’ve only just learnt that this fear has a name and I wasn’t aware that it was actually a phobia, I thought I was just weird!!

    • Cinderella 2:19 AM on April 6, 2010 Permalink | Reply

      I have this fear too, but mine is deadly serious. I have panic attacks when I go near stuff like that. Which really sucks because its keeping me from enjoying a lot. im trying to find ways to get over it, so if you ever find anything let me know.

    • Kelly Bell 1:53 PM on April 12, 2010 Permalink | Reply

      I too, suffer from this. I live in Southern Ontario and they are building wind turbines buy the hundreds out here. They scare the crap out of me! I also don’t like any very large, man-made, moving object like cruise ships and ferries. I’m also terrified to look at the cooling towers of nuclear power plants (I can see no less than three of them when I look at Lake Erie).

    • Sophie 11:35 AM on June 4, 2010 Permalink | Reply

      You Know I always thought I had a problem. I live in Britain and one day we went to the London Eye and trust me it’s massive and just looking at it I had a panic attack. I never knew what I had was an actual phobia though. Mine is mostly triggered by large structures, buildings or statues and the only kind of animals that freak me out are things like blue whales they are just to massive.

    • ziggy 4:05 AM on July 4, 2010 Permalink | Reply

      I finally get to know the name of this phobia which i’ve been suffering for past 8 years. it happned suddenly oneday when i was looking up at a dynosaur fossils in a natural museum and that day was like the worst nightmare in my life, couln’t look at any big animal specially the overhanging wale. then it got triggered off several times whenever i’m around any kind of massive statues, even the funny one in a carnival.

      i’ve been trying with the exposure therapy for almost a year. since i’m in china, got plenty of chance to step near all the huge budda in temples, dosn’t work out yet,i stil have panic attack

    • Smokering 12:05 AM on July 18, 2010 Permalink | Reply

      Yep. Whales in particular. Nightmares, panic attacks, horror and carnage – whether alive, dead, taxidermied, plush, on a T-shirt, a postcard or a two-centimetre avatar. Not keen on icebergs, ships, dinosaurs or airplanes either (the latter only from a certain angle, like in a movie when they have a low-angled shot of the belly of the plane taking of or landing – in the sky they don’t bother me). And yes, I have a phobia of taxidermied animals too – any size or body part, although I guess bigger ones are worse. Even a taxidermied hummingbird creeps me out, though. And I have a phobia of museums, which is not surprising given everything else!

    • Dominique Heffley 3:54 PM on September 29, 2010 Permalink | Reply

      I too have a fear of large looming things. Water towers and domes are on top of the list. And don’t get me started on the Hadron Collider thingy they built to study particles. They built it just to scare us 😉
      I finally found a word for it though, which is a start!
      Interestingly, it doesn’t matter if the object is above ground or below it. Such as deep water water, or empty swimming pool

    • Stephanie 11:38 PM on November 22, 2010 Permalink | Reply

      I actually know why I have this phobia. It was Ghostbusters, when the Statue of Liberty came to life. I remember being terrified during the scene and BANG! Megalophobia. Mine is statues mostly, though any oversized object could set me off. The other thing that terrifies me is when I see a movie that shows a tidal wave – that overwhelming, moving wall of water? Yeah. Not watching those.

      • Joanne 8:46 AM on June 17, 2012 Permalink | Reply

        You actually made me nearly have a panic attack saying the statue of liberty coming to life omg 😥

      • Lauren 9:32 AM on June 17, 2012 Permalink | Reply

        I’m so glad I’m not alone..
        I go on airplanes a lot, so I can deal with them.
        I’ve never been on a boat before, nor seen a blimp up close but I think I would be okay with them unless the were bigger than usual..
        The thing that scares me is statues and towers.
        I went to see a statue in Ukraine it wasn’t very tall about 20ft, I could look at it from a distance, but up close I was trying to avoid eye contact with it.
        Just the thought of going to see it and looking up nearly gives me a panic attack, and
        I haven’t heard anybody mention the Eiffel tower yet, but that definatley scares me, a lot!
        When I was coming back from Ukraine I had an over night stop in Paris, and I could see the Eiffel tower from the hotel room. It was quite a long way away, but it was still massive, and I really didnt want to look again.
        My mum wants to take me on a tour to see NYC I want to go, but I couldn’t go to the Empire State Building and as you already know, the Statue of Liberty.
        I’ve had nightmares about the Eiffel tower being in my garden, me having to visit the statue of liberty and also the statue of liberty being moved from NYC to Manchester, and I saw it flying over my house. Every single time I’ve woke up in a panic attack.
        I couldn’t stand under a 40ft whale that someone has written they had, well done by the way.
        And also the thought of going into space and seeing the earth brings tears to my eyes.
        I had no idea about any of them creepy statues but I looked them all up and they all make me feel the same way, scared.
        I hope we can all get cured, its such an embarrassing phobia, and I hate it.

      • Shannon 3:53 PM on June 21, 2012 Permalink | Reply

        Thats exactly like me….huge waves and huge statues – like the sculpture sitting in the water (Holland i think)

    • Carlos 9:16 PM on December 2, 2010 Permalink | Reply

      Well, Im glad to see Im not alone in this. The twist is… Im an architect. I cant do large domes, statues, blimps. I dont mind large buildings, unless they get to wacky! But my absolute worst has to be blimps and hot air balloons. Im lucky I only design high-end residential. No large domes there, at least not yet!

    • llwp 2:41 PM on January 13, 2011 Permalink | Reply

      I have almost *exactly the same condition. I’m not affected by objects like airplanes (or maybe I haven’t been close enough), trains, cruise liners, electrical poles etc. My primary fear is large statues (especially life-like statues), large animal structures (not real-life ones, but statues or taxidermied animals made to appear life-like, dinosaur skeletons). They are the ones that affect me the most and strongly, I usually survive these exhibits by keeping them out of my line of vision. I’m not frightened by large expenses of earth or sky, but I can imagine dying of sheer fright in space (replete with giant balls of gas, ice, methane in psychedelic colours, supernovas, random moving rocks and infinite vastness in darkness).

    • Rob 9:05 PM on January 27, 2011 Permalink | Reply

      Good to know that this has a name. I thought I was crazy for a long time. I’ve been to DC and Gettysburg and I don’t remember freaking out around the statues, but something happened since then. They are just really, really creepy. They’re just suspended in time and it freaks me out. Also, blimps, airplanes and large ships get me too. Not really buildings, unless they’re domed with paintings in them.

    • Faylinn 12:11 AM on April 9, 2011 Permalink | Reply

      I know this post is a bit old, but in case you’re still reading I thought I’d comment to let you know you’re not alone! I’ve only just found out this is a phobia, i thought I was just weird. Luckily I live in rural England where there is just nothing that big so I don’t have to face things that freak me out that often! I get panic attacks and feel really sick around big statues, ships, blimps, some buildings, all of that stuff. I also get a real fear of things being bigger than they should. Oversized tires freak me out really badly. And oversized showerheads outright terrify me!

    • M. Zenzele 10:30 PM on April 18, 2011 Permalink | Reply

      I feel so good I am not alone – I felt so weird! There’s a cell phone tower near my apartment and on my bike route – I cannot look up at it if I’m near it. The picture of the statue of liberty scared the hell outta me when I got to this page too lol! Tall buildings scare me – if I look up, and I know I can’t handle the grand canyon. The ocean freaks me out too, although I love the beach, go figure…

    • Santhosh Kumar 2:06 PM on May 3, 2011 Permalink | Reply

      I have megalophobia ever since i was old enough to put a name to it. Towers, Water Tanks, Big Airplanes, Ships, Skyscrapers and building even more than 10 storied ones are enough to give me the creeps. But if someone is there along with me, I won’t have much problem in atleast looking up, but if he or she runs away, then the only option i have is probably crawling out of there. I live in India, our National TV Towers (Doordarshan) are so scary, i get sick even thinking about them, here’s a link to one of them :

    • Keri 11:55 PM on June 21, 2011 Permalink | Reply

      I am terrified of the giant Ronald McDonald blow up that sit on top some of the restaurants to lure in customers! I want to run the other way. Large things such as over-sized shoes, people, animals (statue or even just huge balloons versions of these things freak me out). I faced my fear and visited the statue of liberty, but I was anxious the entire time. I won’t get near some of these items at all, I have this irrational fear that they are going to move or fall on me. I’m ok with planes, blimps and large buildings though although the giant 150 ft ferris wheel also scares me simply because of how large it is compared to the smaller rides around it.

      • Spencer 9:18 PM on November 6, 2011 Permalink | Reply

        YES! That Ronald McDonald thing is so scary! Ours doesn’t have it any more but when it did it just about scared the pants off of me XD

        • Lee 6:03 AM on October 14, 2012 Permalink

          Yep, me too! I’m in England and at Christmas some supermarkets hang giant (and I mean giant) inflatable santa clauses from the buildings. They are made from the same material as hot air baloons I think. *shudder*!

    • Alyson 1:15 PM on June 22, 2011 Permalink | Reply

      I am soo glad there are others like me that share this fear. I could never go to Las Vegas with all those big objects and bright lights. I have a fear of 18-wheeler trucks that have large pictures on the side, like Nestle Quick trucks, the Sealy mattress truck with the large lady laying with her back to the road. I hate going to french art exhibits with large murals on the ceiling, and larger than life statues, water towers made into crazy shapes like South Carolina has a water tower shaped into a giant peach with a leaf attached . I could go on and on. I don’t cry but it makes me very anxious and if I close my eyes quick I can still see the image in my mind. so its like I am running and can’t get away from it. To comment on Keri’s post. I hate those crazy blow ups too. like Dodge car dealerships Ram. freaky red and white.

    • dominique 7:05 PM on June 22, 2011 Permalink | Reply

      Probably most objects I’m afraid of have been touch upon already, but my biggest fears are observatories, water towers (hate with a passion) the tops of lighthouses, and any kind of domed building. Wary of tunnels, pools and not too interested in water parks. Water is a theme in my fears. I can handle large sculptures because they do not surround or cage me in. I can ride on boats, but there are certs parts of the boat I don’t like.

    • Keio 3:44 PM on July 6, 2011 Permalink | Reply

      I’m terrified of large stuffed animals and loud noises.
      Once, I was in a museum as a child somewhere and there was a stuff Wooly Mammoth that produced massive, monstrous cries at random combined with flashes of lightning in the dull lit room. This room still gives me nightmares.
      Large water scares me the most. In Disneyland’s California Adventures, there’s a rapids ride that scared the crap out of me a couple years ago, I was 18. There is a part where you go through a “wind cave,” complete with thunderous, howling wind and huge bear roars, as well as waterfalls on the side (I am not a fan of waterfalls either). The worst part was at the end. There was a HUGE, terrifying “geyser” which was about 4 feet wide and shot up 15-20 feet IN THE MIDDLE OF THE RAFTS PATH. I was scared while approaching it, but thought, “theres no way they’ll make us go through that!” Sure enough, they didn’t shut it off and we were straight through this “geyser.” One of the scariest moments of my life.

    • Teresa 3:04 AM on July 13, 2011 Permalink | Reply

      I too suffer but what terrifies me is the ocean. I just realized I have this fear while going snorkeling in Hawaii. It was a horrible!! I had my first ever panic attack and started to cry! But at least I know now what this is.

      • Spencer 9:26 PM on November 6, 2011 Permalink | Reply

        This too. The ocean freaks me out as well. Not when I’m looking at the horizon or from land, but if I’m IN the water and can look down to see that gigantic nothingness below me… it just gives me the willies.

        I play World of Warcraft, and some of the most terrifying moments in that game stem from this fear. Once I had to fight a gigantic spider (bad because I also really don’t like spiders, ha!) but more relevant to your post is one quest where your character has to awaken a Kraken or something– just this giant, horrible sea beast. You are on this peak, right, and something knocks you off, then I was in the water, looking down into the game’s ocean’s nothingness, when all of a sudden this HUGE monster rises up from below… I almost cried I was so frightened.

        • Greg 3:59 PM on November 20, 2011 Permalink

          That exact same event caused me to have mine trigger too! The one at menethil harbor, right? I was doing that event in a friends house and ended up freaking out… To this day he still doesn’t understand what happened :/

          And don’t get me started on spiders… I used to be a main tank, and having to tank large spiders in that game caused me to just zoom my camera into the ground and focus completely on my number bar, so that I didn’t have to look at what I was tanking. Caused alot of anger from groups when I didn’t notice others were being attacked, since I wasn’t looking.

    • Heather 3:39 PM on August 4, 2011 Permalink | Reply

      Its great to know that I’m not alone with these fears.My huge fear is of life sized statues and fountains and vast expanses of water.What would be a total nightmare for me would be to be alone in the garden of an abandoned house.And in that HUGE expanse of overgrown garden I would come across these gigantic statues in the centre of a fountain and the water would be spraying up & out in huge volumes up & over these statues.Also in this abandoned garden I would find an indoor large Roman like pool surrounded by statues.Just to write this makes me feel that awful fear,hair standing on end feeling.Does anyone else have this same fear or know why these things trigger such a fear?

    • Dee 2:59 AM on August 10, 2011 Permalink | Reply

      I’m finally with people who understand me.. i’m suffering of big statues or living things that larger than it should be (such as a big giant tree).. it started when i went to camping and i want to pee, my senior told me to pee behind a giant stone which is has a lot of big trees surround it..
      i’m scared, dizzy and shaking.. then my senior bring me to other place to pee..
      it’s getting worst on my school trip to Borobudur temple and Prambanan.. there’s a lot of statues that starting to make me cried and trembling so much.. the worst statue is GARUDA WISNU KENCANA statue.. T_T
      and i’m in college now still had that phobia.. when we had a campus observation about architecture and art at NYOMAN NUARTA ART GALLERY, every time we walk at the park there’s a lot of sculpture everywhere u walk.. and i cry a lot.. maybe my friends really think i’m annoying that time..

    • Ashley 2:59 PM on August 12, 2011 Permalink | Reply

      I am so with you! Only thing is that I am afraid of what ur not afraid of. I’m actually afraid of a large flag without a face.

      • Lee 6:07 AM on October 14, 2012 Permalink | Reply

        That was my first fear, and has always been my biggest-flags. It started when I was little and my next door neighbour had a Union Jack bedsheet that used to hang on the washing line and has just escalated from there. Any flags or any expanse of material I think it’s the thought of being covered by it- so flags, parachutes, hot air baloons freak me out

    • Tarnia 9:32 PM on August 12, 2011 Permalink | Reply

      Hello everyone,
      thanks for this post!
      I too have this phobia: large expanses of water, freaky buildings, statutes, anything oversized make me nauseated and i panic. Hot air balloons and ships also affect me and someone above mentioned large abandoned houses – which i have had nightmares about
      I find theme parks really terrifying and have recurring bad dreams about giant rollercoasters (or rather large heads or decorations that are part of rollercoasters etc) and waterslides looming over me eg – the tidal wave ride at thorpe park with all the oversized objects scattered around
      does anyone else have that?

    • kelly 8:56 PM on August 21, 2011 Permalink | Reply

      Phew, there are more people out there like me!!! If I have to get off of an airplane and actually walk off of it down a set of stairs and can view the plane I literally have to shield my eyes with my hands, cover my ears, and keep my head down. I’m not sure what I would do if I had to look at it. Cruise ships, sculpture, whales, expansive water, tall buildings, flags, blimps, hot air balloons, I have it all!!

    • Kim 2:30 AM on August 23, 2011 Permalink | Reply

      I was in awe to find that I’m not alone. I almost felt like someone was playing a joke on me, and that every comment was false. Now, I am so glad to know I’m not crazy or weird after all. Now that I have children, I can almost (not really) face anything. I have to be brave around them, and not show my fear. I don’t want them to have the same condition. I don’t care for exposure therapy on my own. I live in Seattle so, if anyone who lives nearby want to meet and share experiences, I’d like to get together.

    • KT 11:38 AM on August 24, 2011 Permalink | Reply

      I am also megalophobic. I only learned that this was an actual “thing” recently and thought for the last 15 years I was crazy… now I know I’m not! I am afraid of large statues, large taxidermied and replica animals, large machinery INSIDE builidings (like airplanes inside a building), IMAX theaters, the word “museum” makes me uneasy. I research HEAVILY before going places to learn what’s going to be there. I recently decided to try an exposure on myself as I have avoided these things purposely and am tired of hiding… my son wanted to visit an aquarium for his birthday and see the sharks… well to see the sharks you had to walk beneath a 40 foot replica whale suspended from the celing of the museum. I knew this going in and had researched photos, prepared, prayed, pumped myself up for this… I didn’t want to miss this moment. Well, I did it! I stood there and looked at that massive thing trembling, tears in eyes, took a photo of it myself (to prove I did it!) and then walked beneath it. I will be honest and tell that I felt like I would pass out by the time I reached the shark tank… but I did it!! On the way out I did sheild my eyes (I didn’t like coming up from the rear of the whale) but once I got back to the facing angle I did look at it some more. Now… this not to say I am ready for a natural history museum… but it was a HUGE step for me. Baby steps, like in the movie “What About Bob?”… that’s what it takes I suppose!

    • dominique 6:31 PM on August 24, 2011 Permalink | Reply

      Well done KT! It’s a tricky phobia – not many people understand it.
      Hats off to you, especially dealing with an aquarium.

    • Jadeana 7:07 AM on September 13, 2011 Permalink | Reply

      Well done KT that is awesome!

      I am so glad to find this thread, wow. Knowing that there is a name for this and that other people understand it is wonderful … all my life I felt like such a freak, I thought I was the only one who felt this way. Big statues, oversized objects, high ceilings, certain buildings, ships, huge animals, big expanses of water, canyons … all that kind of thing makes me feel so sick and panicky, and like I can’t stand up, or I have to run away. A couple of years back we went to Manchester (UK) and I was SO scared of coming face to face with the B of the Bang (google it if you want but be aware it might trigger your megalophobia, obviously) that I had nightmares building up to the trip and was so anxious the whole day we were there. I didn’t see it, as it happened, but the fear of seeing it was intense.

      Thanks so much for making this blog post.

    • Samantha 9:53 PM on October 7, 2011 Permalink | Reply

      I first noticed this fear in me after I gace birth to my son. I acquired a lot of anxiety as well. I noticed I was very uncomfortable with planes, bridges, wind turbines, large objects that look like they could moce and hurt me and I wouldbt ve able to stop it. I kbow thats yhe origin is not being in control. Hoping to get over it soon!!

    • Spencer 9:12 PM on November 6, 2011 Permalink | Reply

      Wow Rachel, your article perfectly describes my case of megalophobia as well! Like you described, it is only statues and animal thingies that strike that fear into me. I remember one time on a trip with my church’s youth group we went to the “Christ of the Ozarks” statue in… wherever it is. I had no idea we were going there and when I saw it through the trees I freaked out. Not like a panic attack, but pretty close. It was absolutely terrifying, but somehow my friends got me down to the base of it. I couldn’t open my eyes until we were out of sight of it. Even without facing it or looking at it, the knoledge of it being above/near me had me very close to panic.

      I am very glad to read that I am not the only one out there. I kind of want to google those statues that you mentioned that I hadn’t heard of, but I think that would just be an exercise in masochism, ha.

    • Claudio 1:45 AM on November 7, 2011 Permalink | Reply

      When I was little, I grew up in a place full palm trees and euycalptis trees. For some strange reason, i would always kick and scream when I went near an enormous tree…my parents would have to walk 5 extra blocks to get home just to avoid the certain trees…Later, I realized that I had a fear of anything taller or bigger than me. Mind you, no one would understand since i was usually taller than everyone. I had daydreams when I saw anything such as a monument that the thing would come alive and kill me. Nightmares that I was alone in the woods, with trees and objects that were planetsized….now I know that I’m not alone 🙂

    • Greg 3:53 PM on November 20, 2011 Permalink | Reply

      I just recently started following this phobia after trying to actually put into words ‘what’ I was actually afraid of. And I’m happy to find out that I’m not alone in this! For a while I thought I was the only one that even remotely felt like this…. and what was even worse was that I couldn’t explain it to anyone! I just simply didn’t know how! Reading your blog post made me feel a lot better (except for the picture… that mildly caused my fear to show) and I think I might try and look for others who share this phobia.

      I have the more common one under one aspect, as I have a huge fear of standing or being near ships, like cruise liners and tankers. Not being on them, but being next to them. Seeing the bow from water level as it passes me by type deal… This particular issue isn’t bad, but I’m an avid video gamer and having missions where you have to infiltrate a ship at sea, or even the entire game Cold Fear (an old Xbox resident evil clone) I couldn’t play.

      Now, at least that’s semi normal… the one that is even stranger is the one that I actually encounter ALOT more often. I can’t handle being around projections of large planets/installations. As I said, I’m an avid gamer and very into the Sci-Fi genre, and many games of these types have space elements mixed in. Games like Star Wars x-wing alliance, freespace 2, the X series of space sims, Unreal Tournament, and others usually have large planetoids and whatnot that your skirmishing near. This becomes a real pain when trying to enjoy an evening worth of gaming after a day’s worth of work.

      But I’m at least happy I now have a name for my phobia, and that I’m not the only one who has this. 😀 I hope you get better as well, Rachel! It’s not an easy thing to live with.

    • B from CA 6:19 AM on December 9, 2011 Permalink | Reply

      I’M NOT THE ONLY ONE!!! YAY! I had a feeling I had megalophobia thanks to a Google search of my symptoms but I had no idea it included large expandes of water or fountains! I have always had a fear of oceans especially when I’m close to them (like right now I am visiting Hawaii and it’s late and I can hear the water and wind!! Ugh) Moving water, empty pool, airplane hangars, powerlines are what can send me into a panic attack if I don’t distract my mind from it quickly or get in touch with some via cell phone. The worst is when I am driving and these powerlines and oddly shapes buildings and large expanses of water really start to creep me out. I think i read somewhere that it has ro do with a feeling of your own significance or something in the bigger scheme of things..about a lack of control. I am an anxious person anyway and notice that my phobia gets worse if my anxiety gets worse. I also have nightmares about showerheads and driving next to really brightly lit buildings (like in Vegas). Don’t get me wrong I love the beach (in the morning) and I live Vegas (been there about 20 times) but I could never be in those places by myself…ever. that would definitely be too overwhelming!
      I also seem to have a fear if heights…
      So, what did I do? I decided to face my fears and go skydiving about 4 years ago. I jumped out of a plane (tandem of course) over Lake Elsinore in CA. It didn’t frighten me..or u did an excellent job of hiding it…anyway, it also didn’t do much for my fear of heights but it was definitely fun!!
      My husband and I just got married and we had to decide against a venue because of thr powerlines on the hill in the background which I couldn’t bare to look at!
      We are going ziplining tomorrow although I am scared or heights but you know what? I’m going to try my absolute best to just go with it… Fingers crossed..the wide expanse of forestry hopefully doesn’t scare me into peeing my pants. There are 8 ziplines and you go by yourself… I Can Do It! And so can all of you! Wish me luck! And good luck to all of you 🙂

    • Andres 9:15 PM on January 6, 2012 Permalink | Reply

      I have almost the exact same phobia you’re talking about and could never put it to words. Thank you for posting this. I must admit, though, my “phobia” is not nearly as concerning, as yours may be. I don’t cry or panic, but it’s definitely a sense of fear and I’m completely un-easy.

      When I was a kid, I remember having nightmares of Giants attacking my hometown and even recall a specific dream where other planets in our solar system appeared in the sky and took up a large portion of the sky and I felt I could only run the opposite way.

      I get the same feeling when thinking about the items you listed that have triggered or may trigger your phobia. And I also feel indifferent when thinking about the items you listed that don’t scare you.

      Others thing that may scare me are “giant” regular objects. I used the example to my friends of a gigantic pencil in the sky over my head freaking me out lol. But if it was in front of me, I wouldn’t pay it much attention.

      Another thing to note is that I don’t think I would get the same feeling from faces (mt. rushmore, etc.). And I visited the Statue of Liberty without necessarily thinking about my fear and it did not affect me. Yet, thinking about the LIncoln Memorial and other similar statues bring back that feeling.

      It feels good to not have to say “I’m weird” since it seems like you understand what I’m talking about.

      Anyway, stay strong! Don’t let the big things get to you 😛

    • Amanda 4:52 AM on January 7, 2012 Permalink | Reply

      I am comforted to know that I am not alone either. I don’t remember ever telling anyone about my phobia. (I considered telling my boyfriend, but I don’t think I ever did.) Where I live, I don’t encounter things that trigger the anxiety very often. The one thing that I do run in to regularly is the oversized flag at the Perkins restaurants! I had a dream as a child that involved GIANT flags with presidents’ faces on them floating across the school gym ceiling. For some reason, the dream terrified me, and I think that was when I first developed medalophobia.

    • Chrissy 6:25 PM on January 24, 2012 Permalink | Reply

      Thankyou for putting this blog on. I have been wondering if there was a name for it for years. I have had his phobia my whole life pretty much, I remember being petrified of the department store shop window display in my local town, espcially the christmas ones. They were always massive, filled the whole window, giant ‘thing’ like a giant snowman or a giant globe. I would freak out and scream the place down.

      The main things that get me are American themed restaurants (I’m British and live in England). I love going to them, infact, i love going to them, but the oversized objects freak me out. Cars hanging from the roofs, boats on the walls. So most of my fears are large objects inside. So being in a hanger with a plane, can stand next to them outside. I had statues indoors too. I used to hate the coalman statue in our local museum, i couldn’t want past it.

      I went to the waxworks in Hollywood and Neo and Trinity from the matrix was up above the entrance, and i couldn’t even pose infront of them for a phot, but was able to walk round he waxworks fine.

      Can’t do waxworks in the horror section, so in the dark.

      And yes, like someone said earlier in the feed, I find museums difficult and anything like that.

      My idea of hell would be in a room with a car hanging over my head, floor to ceiing waxworks and the lights turned off and i knew i had to walk past them all to get out. I would have a heart attack I think.

      I feel so much better now i have found this thread.

      Thankyou very much! :o)

    • Niki 6:52 PM on January 30, 2012 Permalink | Reply

      I have the same exact phobia as you Im terrified of Statues especially greek statues and religious angels and ect.. every time I try to explain this to someone they think Im totally out of my mind I get chills and I start to feel very uncomfortable some renaissance paintings give me this uneasy feeling too. It dose not help that I live in New York there are Statues everywhere . My friend talked me into going to chruch with her one sunday and I was so nervous because she is catholic and there chruches are filled with statues I went anyway against my better judgement and they where everywhere I felt like the walls where closing in on me and I had to get out of there immediately its is very embarrassing to admit that a chruch made me uncomfortable .

    • Krista 10:54 AM on February 6, 2012 Permalink | Reply

      I am just realizing today (!) that there is a name to my weird fears, after all! Thanks to everyone who has shared here and brought me to awareness. My phobia began as a child visiting the British Isles, touring ancient castles with my family and one day we were walking up the road towards one and it was very foggy, to the point of not being able to see far ahead, and all of a sudden the enormous castle was upon us, and as the fog dissipated, I looked up to see the monstrosity right in front of me, expecting that it was still a ways a way! My mind didn’t have time to adjust to the size of it, and I believe that terrifying event led me to my fears of large things today. I never like to be caught off guard or surprised by certain large objects. I would never want to come across one, unexpected or unprepared (silly examples that would probably never happen to me: swimming in the ocean and a submarine or whale rose from below me, or swimming in the ocean and it is foggy and all of a sudden a huge boat is metres away, hovering over me!)
      I avoid looking at wind turbines, cruise ships, blimps, submarines, whales, large airplanes, large bridges, freight boats, buildings that house the construction of large boats, airplane hangars (especially with airplanes in them), airplane museums, buildings that house transit buses that are being repaired….and of course, castles!
      I hope we can all overcome this one day. Good luck, all! It has been somewhat therapeutic even just writing this down. I tend to not speak of it, as my family (other than my husband) finds it entertaining, to the point that they thoughtlessly email me pictures of large things as a prank. Not so funny.

      • Lynn 11:23 PM on May 6, 2012 Permalink | Reply

        I have had this fear for as long as I can remember – always called it my “fear of large man-made objects”. I can remember really hating to see water towers, nuclear power plant towers, tall power line towers. Mine is more noticeable if the large man-made object is out in the “middle of nowhere” (for example cities don’t bother me at all) but once I remember driving down a country road at night near a friend’s home and there was a plane – maybe an old retired plane that was now just used for show near an air force base along the side of the road – yikes! Just something huge like that looming in the dark. I do have a memory of when I was little seeing something called the “glory hole” on vacation – that reminded me of a giant toilet. I eventually googled such a thing (you can only imagine what you get when you google those words!) but they are these huge spillway things in resevoirs to let the water down – omg tooo creepy. That may have “started” this fear. I don’t like those wind turbines, and I have gone ahead and googled those statues that people mentioned (Mother Russia, etc.) and they are way creepy although I was at the Statue of Liberty as a child and it didn’t bother me (maybe that was before I developed this?). I agree with Krista about not wanting to come upon something large (man-made, in my case) and unexpected, like her castle in the fog experience – yikes! Glad to know there are others with this phobia that you never hear about anywhere else.

    • sandition 10:27 PM on March 12, 2012 Permalink | Reply

      Let me add Windmills to the list!

    • Kathleen 8:59 PM on March 17, 2012 Permalink | Reply

      I love finding other people who have this fear of giant statues (and blimps, hot air balloons, etc.) – not because I want other people to suffer, but because I may be able to put a different spin on it. I have learned to embrace my fear. I treat the rush of terror I feel when I set eyes upon these things the same way that others feel riding a death-defying roller coaster – as a life-affirming thrill. As an example, I was driving at night on the turnpike through Birmingham, Alabama, when I looked into the distance and saw a giant glowing statue on a mountain in the distance in front of me. I woke up my friend who was in the car with me with my excited screeching. I finally admitted my fear and fascination to her, and she agreed to let me go back to the statue the next day. It’s a 56-foot tall statue of the god, Vulca, ATOP a huge pedestal, ATOP a mountain! It was terrifying, and I loved it! We spent two hours there (inside the museum is a giant model of the statue’s foot to relate scale – SO scary!). I even took the elevator ride to the top of the pedestal base, so I could walk around the statue eye-level to his giant feet, way high up on a small platform that encircles him. Now, I’m on a quest to go to Vologograd – the photos terrify me and I want to experience that in real life. I hope that this helps some of you find a new way to deal with this particular affliction. Some people go to horror movies to feel that rush of adrenaline, I go to giant statues.

    • Martin 12:30 PM on April 22, 2012 Permalink | Reply

      Im a 47 year old man and avoid structures such as large ships and gasometers as much as possible as being near them fills me with a feeling of dread and my heart beats ninety to the dozen !

      When I was a child I used to have a really weird nightmare about a tiny ball of rock being next to a massive ball of rock and there was a horrible loud rumbling noise in the background ( strange or what ? )

      I remember being taken on a school trip to portsmouth when I was 10 and and seeing massive ships in dry dock with the workers painting them looking like ants and the vehicles they used being totally dwarfed by the massive hulls and propellers. I felt really dizzy looking down into the dry dock and I remember one of my teachers having to carry me away as my legs just turned to jelly !

      I hated walking past the massive gasometers by the canal in my town when I was a child and actually fell into the water as I had closed my eyes to avoid seeing their sheer bulk. Fortunately my Uncle was with me and he pulled me out of the canal & the gasometers were demolished in the year 2000 but I still hate seeing them when I visit other cities that still have them.
      I dread going on train journeys as these massive structures are often situated next to railway lines.
      The same goes for blast furnaces and I cant stand going near gothic buildings such as the old victorian asylums with their massive chimneys and domes and water towers.
      My worst situation however would still be standing in a dry dock next to a huge cargo ship or oil tanker,
      No amount of money could persuade me to do that and if I was forced Im sure I would have a mssive panic or even heart attack.

      • Tara Young 12:36 AM on February 15, 2013 Permalink | Reply

        I totally understand what you mean about the docked ship. I think I would die.

    • Dave W 4:43 PM on June 29, 2012 Permalink | Reply

      I have always been wary of large abandoned cinemas or any large old cinema. This one (link provided) has been abandoned since 1980 (ouch!!!)

    • Kerry 12:01 PM on August 11, 2012 Permalink | Reply

      After a little internet searching I found this page, and I definitely suffer from Megalophobia. And I have for as long as I can remember. The worst building for me was the Washington Monument. I could not raise my eyes from the ground, and had to leave the area immediately. I am also very affected by airplanes and especially cruise ships. Boarding a cruise ship is terrifying for me because when you are right by the edge and look up it goes on forever. But once I am inside the ship I am not bothered. And I know if I were to ever go inside the Washington Monument I would be ok. I am only affected when I am beside a large building.
      Looking at the pictures in the examples really scared me, especially the statures that are lifelike such as Mother Russia, Christ the Redeemer, and of course the Statue of Liberty. I don’t really know what to do to “get over” this because it is kind of embarrassing (alot of friends know and think its hilarious) and it gets triggered by more and more buildings recently. Any thoughts from anyone?

    • Chuck M 12:44 PM on August 11, 2012 Permalink | Reply

      I have good news for you all. Phobia’s are very simple to explain and they are completely treatable. Look up “Gary Coxe” who had a fear of flying and now flies helicopters. He teaches people how to get past their fears. “Irrational” rears are nothing more than a response you picked up in your past that has stuck around long after the original experience. For example my wife has always feared small birds. When cleaning her parents house I experienced a bird constantly flying into one the the bedroom windows over and over. Yes, it was her childhood bedroom that she moved out of as a child. Something about the design of the windows or the reflections makes these birds act bonkers and attack the windows. You can easily imagine how that would creep out a kid. It creeped me out and I’m an adult. Very likely each of you has some similar event in your past. Not something you’d want to remember, but the fear remains. Anyway, phobia’s are easily treatable. Check out how Gary Coxe gets girls with a fear of spiders to let them walk on their arms in less than an hour. Just so you know, it is completely within your power to cure your phobias. Have less fear! Look into it.

    • TG 5:46 AM on August 23, 2012 Permalink | Reply

      Hey you guys. Im so glad I can finally put a name to my fear. Well, it all started when I went to church and I took a walk in the garden when I saw this 15 ft statue of Jesus. Dont get me wrong, I love Jesus. Its just that, I felt as though he was about to attack me. Crazy I know. It has actually gotten worse since then. I cant go inside temples or like, visit the giant statue of Jesus in Rio. Which means Im missing out on a lot. Im only 17 so Im hoping to get over this by the time Im 25 because I plan to do a lot of travelling. So if anybody has found a way to get over it, please let me know. Thank you so much guys! MEGALOPHOBIC, UNITE!!! 🙂

    • Sharlen 1:15 AM on October 21, 2012 Permalink | Reply

      I think I have this phobia too, but I’m not really afraid of buildings, ships or airplanes, just like you Rachel.
      I know that I’m fear of some large objects when I can hardly to breathe after I see them. It’s like I’m so nervous and I just inhale and exhale deeply and quickly.

      Most of my phobia comes in my dream since I was a kid, but it’s not really often. I can’t describe what is in that dream, but it’s something big, like a flood coming to my room, anger, loud noise, gigantic mouth, I don’t know what they are but they always frighten me and make me awake. I don’t know if I’m the only one who suffer this dream.

      • Charles Masterson 1:31 PM on October 22, 2012 Permalink | Reply

        Here is a video where he shows us how to restructure our fears so they don’t have control over us.

    • Gabriel 6:28 AM on October 22, 2012 Permalink | Reply

      I’ve been always scared of satellite dishes, but I never understood that.
      In 2010 i tried to research in my language (BR Portuguese) and couldnt find anything about it.
      Since end of 2011 i’ve been looking about this fear/phobia in English and it seems that it’s megalophobia.
      Small dishes dont bother me, but huge dishes or antenas give me the creeps. When I was a kid I would feel very uncomfortable and scared, but nowdays I just feel kind of uncomfortable. Anyways…it’s a very weird fear and i never met a person that feels the same to share about it. =(

    • Elliciella 9:49 PM on December 31, 2012 Permalink | Reply

      Me too! I’ve been scared of takhteh jamshid statues in Iran,Eiffel tower in Paris,Cn tower Canada,statue of liberty America … Many other things … I shake every time I’m looking at em…:-|

    • helsinkilives 9:57 AM on January 23, 2013 Permalink | Reply

      Just found this, and I have had the exact same reaction some of you mentioned! Skyscrapers, love them, no problems there, ships, ditto. But some statues really put the living fear inside of me. I never really thought about it as a phobia until recently. Blimps always scared me, from the time I was a little kid. But I love watching hot air balloons, go figure that one out. Thanksgiving parades in New York would probably scare the living daylights out of me, or at the very least, make me feel deeply uncomfortable. First time I remember being really scared was when I was seven or eight. There was this promo statue of the Lowenbrau lion holding a mug of beer, which was huge. It was pretty central, but you could still avoid it. Problem was, a friend of mine really wanted to see it. That thing was scary enough on its own, but every once in a while, it would raise one of its mechanical arms to take a swig of beer and “roar”. I think I was traumatized for weeks after that. But when we went to see the Statue of Liberty, in day camp, I was fine. Maybe because it was hyped up so much, that all us kids could focus on was how great it was to be living so close to it.

      I kind of forgot about that phobia, because it never really came up. I’m originally from Paris, but we moved around a lot, and none of the statues in Paris ever scared me. But then I moved to Budapest for a while, and the statue on Gellért Hill scared the living daylights out of me. Still didn’t know it was a phobia, I just put it down to some past life connection / trauma. I went there when I was fifteen with my dad, and I don’t remember it affecting me at all then, though maybe I felt a little uncomfortable, but my dad managed to divert my attention to something else. But as an adult that fear got so bad, that even when we were in the area with friends, I’d feel funny. In the end, one of them just went, “I’ve had it,” and marched me over there, going, “what’s so scary about this thing? It’s a statue.” Still didn’t help. The statue of Genghis Khan in Mongolia is another one. But someone mentioned the Eiffel Tower, and I love it, always have, even walked to the top as a teen on a dare.

      Having said all that, I have this quasi-masochistic fascination with these statues. The one in Russia, which I learned about from your posts here, is creepy as anything. Looked at videos before I went to bed, which was stupid, and ended up having hardcore nightmares that woke me up in the middle of the night, couldn’t even get out of bed for a drink of water. I don’t know where it’s from, because none of the trusted adults in my life ever showed any reaction beyond, “this is fascinating, look.”

      I don’t know if this ties in with megalophobia, but whenever I’m looking down from somewhere, it’s almost as though I have this sensation of wanting to jump. We used to live on the third floor when I was a kid, and I got it a lot looking out of my window. Then, when I was a teenager, we lived on the third floor again, and I never once thought of that. It’s not exactly a voice telling you to jump, more like a thought process.

      Thank you so much for posting this!!! Good to know we’re not alone.

    • Ash 10:35 AM on February 6, 2013 Permalink | Reply

      Statues don’t really do it for me unless they’re staring directly at me (I blame Doctor Who for that one :P) My mild phobia is triggered by foreign looking objects that I wouldn’t normally see like huge satellite dishes (not so much the smaller ones), massive water tower reservoirs, nuclear power plants, even communications towers. Oversize pictures or carvings of a protruding face out of a wall staring directly at me will do it for me too. They make me want to get away from them very quickly…

    • gavin brown 7:52 AM on February 10, 2013 Permalink | Reply

      My wife seems to have a severe case of this phobia. She fears everything large to the point that the other day when doing a test run to a friends wedding venue she started having a panic attack as she thought we were heading past a port, and she assumed there would be cranes, and also noticed a large odd shaped building. Wd had to stop the car and turn around. Any help and advice on this phobia would be grateful. My wife seems to fear large vehicles, buildings boats planes animals (stuffed).

    • Sean 1:49 PM on February 11, 2013 Permalink | Reply

      I was very “pleased” to read your description of this “pointless” phobia. I also feel very uncomfortable around large structures. The forth Road Bridge in Scotland – I have to close look straight at the bumper of the car in front of me!. When I was about 16 I went to Paris and this is the first time I had the almost overpowering sensation of the fear- It was the eiffel tower – It was just – well too big!. I also do not like very large buildings and often dream of them. I have had people liken this phobia to “agoraphobia” – because the sky is too big etc. All I know is I have tried to confront my fear and I do think it is getting better. My wife wants to take me to New York – but the thought of all those sky scrappers – makes me break out in a cold sweat – but I will beat this – after all how can these things possibly hurt me. But that;s the definition of a phobia -isn’t it – irrational fear. Good luck all

    • Tara Young 12:34 AM on February 15, 2013 Permalink | Reply

      OMG!! I can’t believe this many people suffer from this. It’s really helpful though to know that I’m not alone. I would love to talk to someone more about this. I was just talking about the Statue of Liberty with a friend and it creeped me out just talking about it.

    • Deborah M 8:00 PM on March 11, 2013 Permalink | Reply

      You have NO idea how pleased I am to know someone else out there feels exactly the same as me. I’m an 18 year old from Ireland. I literally am exactly the same as you, not scared of planes etc but the second you bring me to a zoo to see elephants or a museum and there’s a stuffed polar bear I will freeze. Can’t look at them or anything, just knowing that I’m in their presence scares the crap outta me! And always always has. Thanks so much for sharing to put my mind at ease that I’m not a complete weirdo! 🙂

    • Emma 2:45 AM on March 21, 2013 Permalink | Reply

      Was talking about my phobia last night, thought I’d google to see if it had a name. What a relief to see I’m not alone. I can pin point my phobia back to primary school. At a museum and a giant whale skeleton hanging from the ceiling had me panic stricken. I’m terrified of bridges, reservoirs, Grand Canyon, open spaces of water, seeing whales jump out the sea on wildlife programmes. I’ve been trying to get over it. I did manage to go to the Statue of Liberty……eventually, and occasionally drive over the forth road bridge, but very tense, one eye open kind of thing. Just glad I’m not alone!!

    • Jeffrey 5:27 PM on June 27, 2013 Permalink | Reply

      I am with all of you, I have the classic fears, large bridges particularly suspension bridges, tall buildings(looking up), large ships, towers.

    • Yolanda 8:21 PM on July 7, 2013 Permalink | Reply

      Hey guys, I also suffer from this phobia, the worst things for me are the statues…I HATE THEM!! I have gotten to the point where I can download pics of statues on my phone and look at them. I am also in therapy concerning my phobia.
      There is also a group on facebook I a part of and we post pics and scare ourselves silly. For some reason a fascination of the object goes hand in hand with a the fear. I tried to go see The Vulcan when I was in Alabama years ago and nearly fell into 12 million pieces when I walked up on the foot…we had to leave after that, I couldn’t take it!!

    • Leah Fairchild 1:12 PM on July 19, 2013 Permalink | Reply

      I am a self diagnosed megalophobic. Large things overwhelm me but they are not limited to specific things. Things that are mechanical specifically are scary including robotic trash pick up trucks, robots and other things that could get out of hand if circuits short. Things I’m scared of I also have a fascination with so I don’t feel my phobia is extremely severe. Whales and the ocean have always been a huge interest to me as well as a scare.
      Buildings, monster movies with giant monsters, ships and anything else that takes up a lot of space is unsettling. I’m obsessed with the science of space but some pictures of space for example from the International Space Station are frightening to me. Glad to know there is a conversation here about something that isn’t discussed much. On happenstance I also have spatial synesthesia. I’m not sure if that has anything to do with it or not. Anyway, good luck and happy healing to anyone afflicted with this. Blessings!

    • Kelli 3:22 AM on October 24, 2013 Permalink | Reply

      People laugh and think it is quite bazaar when they hear about my fear of large structures-it really is no laughing matter when I come across large objects. I am deathly fearful of electric transformer, large masses of water, big bridges, enormous bells, windmills, skyscrapers, big tunnels and anything enormous above my head. At least Im not suffering alone. The effects of this phobia are crippling, with the onset of severe anxiety attacks, fast breathing and overall weakness. I have learned not to talk about it anymore and just suffer in silence. Thank you soo very much for this dialoguewith people who understand what this is like.

    • Charlotte 4:02 PM on October 31, 2013 Permalink | Reply

      I’m so glad I know the name for it now. I used to go to a swimming pool when I was a kid and it had these huge dinosaur statues in and near the pool. There was a huge t-Rex that was so tall and it’s head was right next to a cafe. It was so close you could touch it. There were closed slides that looked like huge snakelike dinosaurs. I’m not describing this very well but it was terrifying. I was never scared of it until one day when it think I was about nine i just got this crippling fear. I can’t go to museums because of the stuffed animals and I am terrified of high ceilings. On the subject of the Statue of Liberty, there is a doctor who episode called the angels take manhattan and it comes alive in that episode. I recommend that you don’t look it up. As the results you will see will most likely be the picture of it standing next to a building, leaning down to look at the roof of it. It is a scary picture for me but then again I get scared of statues in video games.

    • anne 3:52 AM on November 30, 2013 Permalink | Reply

      This phobia feels like it’s ruining my life. I have this phobia and i also have automotonophonia( fear of anything with a sentient being) i don’t know if i spelled it right:-) i remember when my mom and i went to the airport to pick up my aunt, i just started to scream and cry violently. I was seven years old as as the time. I also remember going to downtown detroit with my brother And dad thought that it was a good idea to take a picture with that Tiger statue. I told him that i was scared but he told me that i was scared of everything and made me sit yes sit on that terrifying statue. At the time i didn’t know i had phobias so so i couldn’t argue back. I’m so glad that I’m not some wierdo and that theres a others that share my fears. I mean i can’t even go to a big boy restaurant without passing out. My fear is so bad that it’s keeping me from traveling the world. I want to go to Vegas but my friend told me that statues come to life there =:O . Please if you guys find any information about a cure please do share. Thank you for your time

    • Carmen 6:02 PM on November 30, 2013 Permalink | Reply

      I just realized i have this. i only thought it i had a fear of statues but anytime i think of the museum of the natural history in NYC i get a panic attacks. my biggest fear tho are human-like statutes…especially if i see them at nighttime. my fear is intense and i panic and i have to close my eyes. i don’t know how much i would “freak out” if i didnt. i do wish i could get over it bc if i’m walking with friends and a statue just appears I can’t control myself and i have to run away or a panic.

  • mendingletters 7:39 PM on September 3, 2009 Permalink | Reply  

    My Thoughts on Anti-Abortion Groups 

    I’m largely against anti-abortion groups. Well, not all of them, I guess. But I just saw an article on CNN: (link: and it sickened me. I’m going to start off by saying that I am a woman and I am pro-choice, and no, I have never been pregnant–just to get all ambiguities out of the way. I have several points I’d like to make about pro-lifers, and I’m going to address them in list form.

    1. This one’s sort of superficial, but I hate when people say “pro-abortion” instead of “pro-choice.” No one, unless they are some sick serial killer, is pro-abortion. I don’t prance around saying, “YAY! Let’s abort our pregnancies! Let’s stop having children all together!” Um, no. I believe in a woman’s right to choose what to do with her body, whether she chooses to have an abortion or to carry the baby full-term.

    2. Most people who oppose abortion do so because they believe it goes against God and The Bible. That’s fine. If abortion goes against your religious values, then, by all means, do not have an abortion. However, trying to get a law passed that outlaws abortion just because it’s against your religious beliefs…well, that goes against everything this country stands for. I believe Thomas Jefferson proposed the separation of church and state, and we hold that true now. Basically, your religious viewpoint should not be law, especially considering, though this nation is predominantly a Christian one, it is most certainly not the only religious viewpoint around.

    3. As most of you know, a Kansas doctor by the name of George Tiller was shot and killed at his church this past May by a pro-life activist. Tiller was widely condemned for performing late-term abortions. I ask you to remember that he did not perform them just because a woman didn’t want to have her baby. He only aborted fetuses with fatal birth defects or in a situation where giving birth would kill the mother. I realize that most pro-lifers do not support the killer’s actions at all. But for those who do, I have something to ask you. Why is killing a man any better than, as you say, “killing a child”?

    4. Re: the link posted above. Can someone please explain to me why threatening a man’s safety and terrifying his family and employees is something a benevolent and loving god would approve of? I mean, if that’s what God is really like…well…let’s just say that that certainly isn’t the God described in The Bible.

    5. I find many of the tactics employed by pro-life protesters to be absolutely disgusting. Holding signs with dismembered fetuses is just distasteful. You wouldn’t hold up signs with pictures of skin cancer patients reading “This is what UV radiation causes!”, would you? Well, I don’t know. You probably would. I get that it’s a “shock” tactic, but isn’t there a better way? Besides, what if a small child or an extremely squeamish person saw those signs? Not taking those facts into consideration is disrespectful and rude. Another protesting form I hate is when pro-lifers camp outside abortion clinics and scream insults at women who enter. I’m sure that poor woman’s choice was hard enough. They really don’t need your tactlessness to add to their stress.

    Well, that’s about it for now. Since America is split pretty much 50/50 on the pro-choice/pro-life debate, I’m sure I have successfully offended half of my country. I welcome any and all comments, from all sides of the debate!

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